DHI Hair Transplant Method, also known as the Direct Hair Implantation, is the latest and the most effective hair transplant technique done with extreme precaution and care. It is known that both men and women experience hair loss and receding hairline in their lifetime. Balding or hair loss is no more a concern with the DHI Hair Transplant Technique. It is the safest and most advanced method used globally, besides that, it is the latest hair transplantation technique for implementing hair follicles. DHI Hair Transplant Method is one of the most preferred hair transplantation method of the current time.

The harvesting process is totally the same as FUE, where the harvesting is done with a manual or micro-motor supported punch. The difference occurs on the channel opening and implementation processes. DHI hair transplantation technique enables natural hair directions as the channel opening and implementation of the grafts are occurring at the same time. The surgeon has better control on direction of implemented hair follicles. Furthermore, it increases the grafts survival rate as out of body period of the harvested grafts are decreased significantly when compared to other techniques.

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Step 1
Hairline Design​
During consultation, the most suitable hairline design will be determined by our surgeon and agreed with the patient.
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Step 2
Harvesting of FU​​
The hair follicle was detached from the surrounding tissue with a micro-punch, then harvested with a special forceps.
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Step 3
Storing the Grafts​​
A special microscope is used to evaluate the grafts while providing necessary conditions to store the FU’s properly.
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Step 4
Transferring Grafts into Pen​​
Implementation pens are loaded with the micrografts containing 1-4 follicles.
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Step 5
Previously loaded pens used to directly implement the hair into the recipient area.
Hairline Design

During consultation, the most suitable hairline design will be determined by our surgeon and agreed with the patient.

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Harvesting of FU

The hair follicle was detached from the surrounding tissue with a micro-punch, then harvested with a special forceps.

Storing the Grafts

A special microscope is used to evaluate the grafts while providing necessary conditions to store the FU’s properly.

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5 1
Transferring Grafts into Pen

Implementation pens are loaded with the micrografts containing 1-4 follicles.


Previously loaded pens used to directly implement the hair into the recipient area.

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Apply Now & Get Free Hair Analysis!

With our special techniques you will get the look you desired. Unshaved and painless hair transplantation at affordable prices for highest quality.  

What Is The DHI Hair Transplant Technique?

The DHI Hair Transplant Technique evolved from the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. Specialized surgeons perform the procedure and the technique used is very similar to skin grafting. Extraction (Harvesting) and Implantation are the two chief phases of DHI hair transplantation. The procedure involves removing the existing healthy hair follicles and implanting them in the balding area. The healthy hair follicle will eventually grow new hairs giving the customer a thick hair look.

This procedure will require the customer to be on local anesthesia. There are special tools used to pluck the healthy follicles and load them on the balding area of the scalp. The pens used for the implantation are called the “Choi Pen.” Since the procedure enables hair follicles to be planted often, the appearance is highly natural and healthy, giving the customer a good feel and look.

DHI Hair Transplant recovery time is fast, and the patient can resume their routine in a few days since the process is scar-free. People suffering from severe hair loss tend to opt for hair transplantation as they get natural looking and permanent results. DHI is different from other hair transplant methods not because the follicles are implanted one by one directly into the recipient area since all of the methods are directed this way, but using a special needle called a Choi pen is what makes this method unique.





Before DHI Hair Transplant

It is important for the patients to take certain precautions before the DHI Hair transplant procedure.

• Patients should avoid smoking two weeks before the surgery

• Certain medications should be stopped before the surgery. It is advised to consult a certified hair transplant surgeon and the General Physician concerning the medicines

• The patient is generally advised to consume bland food one day before the surgery

• Stop applying medications and lotions to your scalp 1 month before the surgery.

Overall, the DHI Hair Transplant Method is a simple procedure with minimal preparations before the surgery and a faster recovery rate post the procedure.

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After DHI Hair Transplant

DHI Hair Transplant results can be visible between five to nine months post the surgery. The grafted hairs will start to fall in a couple of weeks and will continue to fall for the next three months, after which new hairs will start to grow from the implanted follicle. The DHI hair transplant gives the patients a 360-degree change in life with new thick and healthy hair.

Once you are done with your treatment, it is necessary to pay heed to the doctor’s instruction. You have to be cautious for a few days after the treatment as the transplanted area is quite sensitve. In general, you will need to keep your head elevated for the first few days, and avoid washing your hair by yourself for 48 hours, since the first washing will be performed by our experienced staff. You should also avoid strenuous activity, as this can cause bleeding and swelling. Moreover, for the first few days, you have to keep your head elevated while sleeping. This is to reduce the swelling from the treatment. Most importantly, you will need to take care of your transplanted grafts by applying medication and protecting them from sun. It is normal to have scabs form on your scalp, but you should not pick at them. Instead, the hair should fall off naturally. If you feel any discomfort, only then you can choose pain medication. In order to protect your newly transplanted hair, it is recommended to stay indoors. Moreover, it is necessary to keep your hair and the area clean, so you must wash your hair daily with shampoo. You should also apply the recommended ointments to keep your hair free of debris. Lenus Clinic is providing after-care products for up to 1 year inside our treatment packages. We have the capability to provide all necessary after-care products for our patients.

The success of the treatment can be ensured once you follow these instructions effectively. By following the instructions, you would have a smooth, healthy and natural looking hair.Also, Lenus Clinic will be following its patients postoperative process for a 1 year with a personal consultant appointed for its patients after their treatment.Thus, a successful end is guaranteed.

DHI Hair Transplant Turkey

Turkey provides the best DHI Hair Transplant results. Hair transplants are performed with expertise and care under the direction of regulatory standards and ethical codes of conduct. People from different places, cultures and backgrounds visit Turkey for a hair transplant and leave after a successful procedure and vacation combined. You can get the best hair transplant solution for your hair and restore that thinning hairline.

Both men and women can opt the treatment procedure, if they have a hair loss situation. Similar to other techniques, results of a DHI hair transplant provides permanent results, provided the patient follows post-operative instructions. If you are considering a DHI hair transplant, consult with a qualified doctor to learn more about the procedure and whether it is right for you.

Looking for a cost-effective, high-quality DHI Hair Transplant procedure? Please fill in all your details in the contact form. Our hair transplantation specialists will reach out to you at the earliest.

Apply Now & Get Free Hair Analysis!

With our special techniques you will get the look you desired. Unshaved and painless hair transplantation at affordable prices for highest quality.  

Frequently Asked Questions

DHI utilizes a direct implantation method without the need for prior channel creation. This unique approach provides precise control over hair follicle placement.

DHI is versatile, adaptable to various hair loss patterns, making it suitable for both men and women. Our experienced medical team at Lenus Clinic tailors the procedure to address individual needs.

DHI’s direct implantation minimizes graft handling, potentially leading to a streamlined recovery. However, individual experiences may vary, and recovery depends on several factors.

Lenus Clinic maintains a high success rate with DHI procedures. Our skilled medical professionals ensure optimal survival and growth of transplanted hair follicles, leading to enduring results.

DHI is adaptable to early stages of hair loss. Our experienced team assesses each patient individually to determine feasibility and customizes the procedure based on unique needs.

  • Which is better, FUE or DHI?

    • DHI is considered an evolved version of the FUE with many advantages. The CHOI pen used in DHI gives depth, precision, and the right direction of the implanted follicle giving the customer a natural look and ensuring no blood loss. Additionally, DHI does not cause scabs or scars, unlike the FUE and the number of implants in the DHI is higher than in FUE. FUE requires shaving the whole scalp before the procedure, while the DHI only requires trimming the donor area, with faster recovery when compared to FUE..
  • Is head-shaving necessary for the DHI hair transplant procedure?

    • Shaving is not necessary for DHI operations. Only the donor area needed to be shorten in order to provide a better extraction. It is not necessary to shave the recipient area..
  • Is DHI hair transplant permanent?

    • The answer is yes. All hair transplant techniques are permanent and longs life-time if the operation done properly..
  • How much does DHI cost?

    • The prices vary from $2000 to $10000. To receive more detailed information please contact us..
  • DHI is considered an evolved version of the FUE with many advantages. The CHOI pen used in DHI gives depth, precision, and the right direction of the implanted follicle giving the customer a natural look and ensuring no blood loss. Additionally, DHI does not cause scabs or scars, unlike the FUE and the number of implants in the DHI is higher than in FUE. FUE requires shaving the whole scalp before the procedure, while the DHI only requires trimming the donor area, with faster recovery when compared to FUE.

  • Shaving is not necessary for DHI operations. Only the donor area needed to be shorten in order to provide a better extraction. It is not necessary to shave the recipient area.

  • The answer is yes. All hair transplant techniques are permanent and longs life-time if the operation done properly.

  • The prices vary from $2000 to $10000. To receive more detailed information please contact us.